Types of Arts

Art has a long history in civilization, it history about as early as when humans started a fire using stones, the earliest art forms are found as visual arts, the creation of paintings in rocks and drawing images in the sands are the earliest forms of art, even today the same visual art form is continuing in advanced and updated versions.

Anything that soothes the human mind and heart is art from music to drawing of a highly constructed building, the art then evolved into paintings with colors and then sculptures, rock paintings, and finally it evolved as digital paintings.

types of arts
Source: https://www.pexels.com/

Some civilizations are even identified by their art form, ancient Greece is well known for its art and culture even today, the Europeans are well known for their achievement of art, and even today every person on earth admires their artwork, if we look back at the history there’s nothing but a pile of arts here and there, the efficiency of any civilization ever lived is determined by the art they left in the earth.

If we look deep into the way we live our life it evolves around art with or without our knowledge and the technology today helps us to connect with art more reliably than anywhere in history, it all started with that homo sapien who sketched rock using sharp-edged stones.

Art comes in many forms simply it just makes humans more creative by doing it again and again, if we are about to define art simply it is the form of expressing oneself, from kids starting artwork in school to paintings and sculptures protected in museums art have many forms and a long story to tell, today it attained digital level.

Art plays two major purposes self and motivation the self is the expression of oneself in many different forms, some people take the brush and just paint all day long without any purpose or motivation, they just express their opinions.

types of arts

Another is very important thing motivational art, as we can say art is of many purposes and forms even art is used as a political weapon, art used for communication, entertainment, politics, and social issues, in ancient Dadaism, surrealism and Russian constructivism used art as a political weapon in the early 20th century.

Today the core use of art is entertainment, cinema, music, and standup comedy, and in that tall building in your city, art is there probably everywhere in the world around you.


DHRUBAJYOTI ROY, the visionary behind Builtarchi.com, who holds a passion for transforming ideas into tangible and awe-inspiring structures. His multifaceted persona encompasses a love for cars & by profession an Architect.

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