
How tall is the Statue of Liberty | Statue of Liberty

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how tall is the statue of liberty

The world contains magic and wonders in many forms like music, arts, stories, and architecture, though the architecture itself is a wonder few to mention stands top above all the wonders of the world.

The Statue of Liberty is one such wonder but with a deep and clear message to tell, there are few architectures in this world that almost everyone can remember even when you ask them in the middle of sleep, and the Statue of Liberty is one among them, even though architectures represent the modernized way of civilization when we think it in the philosophical form each and every architecture have its own story to tell, the statue build with the neoclassical architecture style to keep it simpler and magnificent.

The Statue of Liberty is often called a gift from the people of France to the United States because both the designer and the architect of the Statue of Liberty are French people, the statue was designed by Auguste Bartholdi and built by architect Gustave Eiffel (the one who build Eiffel tower).

The giant marvelous copper statue represents the symbol of freedom for the Americans and to those who go to America, the designer imprinted the idea into the statue by a torch in one hand and freedom in the other hand.

how tall is the statue of liberty

Architecture Philosophy

As the statue represents something more than any other ordinary architecture out there in America the designer and the architect decided to make it last longer, architect Gustave Eiffel is not only an architect but also an engineer who specialized in metals and he used copper and iron sheets for the framework and then connected it.

The entire statue was built in France and then transported to New York later, to make it easy to construct both the designer and the architect separated the architecture into four major pieces and then formed it as one (how tall is the Statue of Liberty).

The neoclassical architecture worked well with the statue and the entire world is still astonished whenever they see it, with the simple and plain color the right geometry, and the story to tell, it is one of the finest architecture ever made in American history.

how tall is the statue of liberty

About the Architect

Gustave Eiffel is popular for his magnificent steelworks around the world, The Eiffel Tower is considered his most iconic work but with a message and also to represent the freedom the Statue of Liberty beats just for the cause and remains his finest work date.

Even though Gustave Eiffel did the marvelous Statue of Liberty or Freedom the brain behind the architecture is Auguste Bartholdi, he designed the statue from head to bottom and the sculptor just did his magic, the lion of Bartholdi, Fontaine Bartholdi, a statue of Vercingetorix are other famous works of Frederick Auguste Bartholdi.

There is so much architecture in this world that we set our eyes on when we see it and never want to look back the Statue of Liberty is one such work to remember not only for its amazing architecture but for the cause it was built, architecture is more than just fancy or necessity it is indeed a painting which never fades after centuries and stands tall and beautiful forever.

DHRUBAJYOTI ROY, the visionary behind, who holds a passion for transforming ideas into tangible and awe-inspiring structures. His multifaceted persona encompasses a love for cars & by profession an Architect.

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